In the distant future humans live alongside a strange race of robots called Reploids and for the most part they live in harmony but the Reploids are prone to criminal activity and occasionally go 'Maverick'. The story unfolds and you must eventually help Mega Man take the fight to the mavericks and blast them all to pieces to become the saviour of the human race once again in the brilliantly cool Rockman X3!
More fighting and shooting can be found in other popular gaming titles right now, such as Ring King, Gladiator and the amazingly cool Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou!
Rockman X3 is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: action, shooting, and was added on Jan 31, 2015. It has been played 9328 times and is available for the following systems: sega / md / Sega Genesis You can also play Rockman X3 unblocked.