Set on a distant planet called Varth, a human colony has a supercomputer running the show, controlling machinery and weapons etc, but this computer, Delta-7, has been taken over by a strange entity that tricks the computer into attacking the humans! There only hope is two pilots that fly ships that the entity cannot control, and you are one of those pilots. take to the skies to fight through the defences and destroy the supercomputer before it wipes out the humans.
Other epically cool gaming with piloting at the center, which you may well also enjoy are Dragon Spirit: The New Legend, G-Darius and the fantastic Ace Combat 2!
Varth : Operation Thunderstorm is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: flying, shooting, and was added on Feb 03, 2015. It has been played 14956 times and is available for the following systems: prgcc1 / prgcc1 / Capcom CPS 1 You can also play Varth : Operation Thunderstorm unblocked.